Thursday, June 18, 2009

Apparently I'm a Dingleberry!

I thought I already posted this, so if it comes through twice - sorry! Today is Thursday and we are scheduled to read John 10, I think.... I have loved the discovery of how easily I am able to keep up (and catch up when I get behind - I know, it has happened already). Someone please explain to me the parts where Jesus says something like, "those in their graves will rise on the day when I come again." Does that mean that people remain in their graves and all ascend to Heaven at the same time when Christ returns for the second coming, or am I reading too much into that line? Also, my bible says that earlier manuscripts left John 8 out entirely- that chapter has been my favorite to read so far. I think it is so very powerful when all realize their inability to cast a stone!! I hope you are enjoying this as well!! Again, thank you to Jamie for providing this beautiful platform for us to converse! I can't wait to hear your responses!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

June 8, 2009 - John


6/8=John 1, 6/15=John 7, 6/22=John 13, 6/29=John 19


6/9=John 2, 6/16=John 8, 6/23=John 14, 6/30=John 20&21


6/10=John 3 , 6/17=John 9, 6/24=John 15


6/11=John4 , 6/18=John10, 6/25=John16


6/12=John 5 , 6/19=John 11, 6/26=John 17


6/13=John 6 , 6/20=John 12, 6/27=John 18

